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Lemont Personal Injury Lawyer

Personal Injury Attorney Serving Lemont, IL

Seeking Maximum Compensation for Clients in Lemont, IL

When you have been seriously injured, and someone else was at fault, you may struggle to recover from your injuries and move forward with your life. The costs of a personal injury can be very high, and you and your family may experience financial difficulties during your recovery period or even longer. You deserve to be compensated for your losses, and a skilled attorney can help you take the proper steps to receive monetary payments that will address your damages. At Issa Law, LLC, we work to protect the rights of injury victims in Lemont, Illinois. We are ready to help you take legal action to recover full and fair compensation for your injuries.

Our firm assists with many different types of cases involving injuries that have occurred because of negligence or carelessness, including:

Investigating Accidents and Injuries

Attorney Issa can perform a comprehensive investigation into an accident and the injuries that have affected you. He will gather and preserve evidence from various sources. Some of the steps he will take include:

  • Collecting accident reports, witness statements, and photographs from the accident scene.
  • Obtaining medical records, diagnostic tests, and treatment notes to document the extent and nature of your injuries.
  • Consulting with accident reconstruction experts, medical professionals, and other relevant professionals who can provide insight into the case.

During this investigation, Attorney Issa will seek evidence to help prove the liability. To be successful, four elements must be present in every personal injury case:

  • The at-fault party owed a duty of care to the injured party.
  • The at-fault party breached that duty of care by their actions or behavior.
  • That breach caused the accident or incident that resulted in the injuries.
  • The injured party has suffered damages as a result.

Damages Available in Personal Injury Cases

Through a personal injury claim, Attorney Issa will work to ensure that you are fully compensated for:

  • Medical expenses: The costs of medical treatment, including hospital bills, surgeries, rehabilitation, prescription medications, and ongoing therapy, should be fully covered.
  • Lost income: Attorney Issa will calculate the value of the wages and other income you lost due to your inability to work while recovering from your injuries. He will ensure that you will be compensated for the loss of future income if you have been left permanently disabled.
  • Non-economic damages: There are a number of damages that you may be entitled to that may be harder to quantify. These damages include pain and suffering, emotional trauma, permanent disability, disfigurement, scarring, and diminished quality of life.

Negotiations and Settlements

Attorney Issa will negotiate on your behalf with insurance companies, working to ensure that you will receive a fair settlement. He will advocate for the maximum compensation based on the full extent of your losses. He understands the steps that insurance companies often use to devalue or deny claims, and he is ready to stand up to unethical practices and make sure a settlement offer will meet your needs. If the insurance company refuses to agree to a fair and just settlement, Attorney Issa will not hesitate to move forward with litigation and argue your case before a judge or jury. He will not back down until he gets you the compensation you deserve.

Contact Our Lemont Personal Injury Attorney

If you have been injured in an accident caused by someone else's negligence, do not try to settle your case on your own. You need a skilled Lemont personal injury lawyer advocating for you. Contact Issa Law, LLC at 708-966-2408 to schedule a private case evaluation with Attorney Issa and begin the process of recovering the compensation you deserve.

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